I was challenged by my friend to capture some photos in 6 months to be made into a set with one theme. Challenge accepted! Considering how rarely I use my camera since I started working, I thought that this challenge will boost my mood to capture some worthy picture using my abandoned DSLR camera instead of those trashy pictures that I took with my smartphone (blame Instagram!).
So the result is this photoset contains 15 photos that I took mostly on my Umra trip last March, because there were a lots of spare times when I can have a relationship with camera intimately (because once I get back to Indonesia, I'll have to face the reality and the routines and leave my camera on the box). There's 1 photo that I took in Malaysia though.
PS: Take a look for more pictures on flickr, just click the picture - well, if you want.
It's okay, you're save, a set on Flickr.
At first I got confused to decide the theme. I just randomly captured everything that I saw on the streets. Then I realized that I captured a lot of kids. Who can deny the cuteness of those kids? With big eyes and big nose and chubby cheeks. Then I decided to take this theme : Kids and Their Parents. I can't say that the result is good, but I'm quite satisfied with this.
At first I got confused to decide the theme. I just randomly captured everything that I saw on the streets. Then I realized that I captured a lot of kids. Who can deny the cuteness of those kids? With big eyes and big nose and chubby cheeks. Then I decided to take this theme : Kids and Their Parents. I can't say that the result is good, but I'm quite satisfied with this.
Well, It was so much fun to capture things again, reminiscing the old days when I used to bring my camera everywhere. I think it would be nice to back to my old hobby again. But one thing, I need to buy smaller camera. The reliable one. Mirrorless camera never look this tempting. Mwahahaha.
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