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I love you, but you have no idea what you are talking about. |
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This is the cutest movie of the year! |
I have no idea why I really love this movie. Is it because its sweet story? Is it because Suzy Bishop is so lovable? Or because its dreamy setting? Or maybe because it's Wes Anderson's? I don't know but I just love it. You must watch it. Too sad this great movie isn't released in Indonesia. But, if you know the trick, you will find this movie (if you know what I mean). Happy watching!
wah aku pgn nonton ini liat dari wolipop, km punya mba? mau copy :D
ReplyDeletesangat wes anderson ya filmnya, kalo nyebutin buku diliatin covernya, nyebutin daerah diliatin mapnya, jadi inget royal tanenbaum
ReplyDeletekeliatan seperti film keluarga, sampai pada scene anjing tertusuk panah (eeww)dan sam pun berseru "son of b*tch" hahaha wtf!
belum lagi adegan mereka berhubungan asmara LOL
"can you french kiss?"
boleh minta judul2 film recommended yang lain mir? thx
btw, i'm your new stalker if you don't mind :D
haha halo balanar, iya benar wes anderson sekali filmnya. hmm, mungkin ini bisa jadi rekomenasi:
ReplyDeleteMr. Nobody, The Fall, Clerks, Clerks II,
no, i don't mind, really. but here's one thing : the first rule of stalking is you never said that you stalked them. hahaha
thank you for stopping by :P
keren pisan mir the fall, cinematographynya dewa!!
ReplyDeletepaling dewa yang pas di bali waktu ngobatin sang dukun
apalagi anak kecilnya bikin ketawa terus :D
film yg laen gak dapet, susah kalo di bandung nyari dvd yg rare.
harus langsung ke glodok kayaknya.. ato lu punya
toko dvd langganan di bandung mir? bole infonya hehe
haha aku ga pernah beli dvd. donlot terus.